Scott Robert Patterson

I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science at McGill University. Most of my research is focused on two aspects of generative AI. First, I spend most of my working hours thinking about how language models can be used for social science research. My second research area focuses on the broader societal impacts of AI. scott{dot}patterson@mail{dot}mcgill{dot}ca

Research on Language Models

My dissertation explores the "Linguistic Turn" in International Relations and its implications for the use of large language models (LLMs) as research tools in social sciences.

Recent Publications

Social and Political Issues of Artificial Intelligence

I am currently working on a project that examines how the shift to transformer-based language models has affected the political economy of machine translation, especially in the United Nations system. Additionally, I served as the graduate student representative to the McGill Sub-committee on Teaching and Learning's AI working group.